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Grocery, Drug and Mass Merchandise

Enhance customer experience and reduce complexity

From POS to payments to back office and beyond, we simplify and connect your operations so you can focus on your customer—and the future.

Run your store seamlessly and leave complexity behind

Transform your store into a shopper’s paradise with cutting-edge technology that ensures a seamless omnichannel experience for your customers. Think lightning-fast checkout and convenient contactless options, with delighted customers who can’t wait to share their fantastic experiences on their socials and who keep coming back for more.

Elevated eCommerce from NCR Voyix enables smooth curbside pickup

When it comes to creating enduring customer relationships, transactions are just the tip of the iceberg. A customer must choose you over the competition over and over—for reasons beyond price.

Empowered by brands big and small

Proudly serving our customers all over the globe.

Insights to help you run your store

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What makes NCR Voyix products and services different?

We provide the software and hardware you need to deliver experiences that delight your customers.

#1 Provider

of global self-checkout shipments for 20 years running

#1 Vendor

of retail and restaurant POS globally

135+ Years

of retail expertise is in our DNA

Top 10

Provider of retail software and SaaS, worldwide

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